Friday, January 9, 2015


This blog was inspired by two things:

1) a friend of my son's whose abstract reasoning skills are highly developed yet is not doing well in 8th grade advanced algebra, and

2) A mathematical cartoon by Courtney Gibbons published at

I do not know Courtney Gibbons, but her phrase, Peace, Love, Factorial!, captured the essence of a conversation I had with my son's friend and his parents. I thought it was an appropriate title for this blog so I borrowed it.  Thanks, Courtney!

As a former algebra teacher, this boy is a dream student.  He has the critical thinking skills to grasp new ideas and concepts, the ambition and motivation to be successful, and the social, economic, and academic resources to overcome challenges.  He is always incredibly intelligent at in-the-moment evaluations and re-evaluations of positions as well as restrategizing his approach when engaging in arguments - which he loves to do.

I may be a bit ambitious, but I hope this blog serves two purposes:

1) to share my passion for the teaching and learning of algebra, and
2) to serve as an additional tool for students, parents, and teachers in more effective teaching and learning of algebra.

I am asking for some patience, understanding, and helpful advice in how best to organize this blog as this is my first experience blogging.

Please feel free to leave comments on desired content and questions that would be meaningful to you. I will do my best at responding to these comments and will encourage our reading community to offer insights as well.

Thank you!